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How to use Smart Objects in Photoshop

How to use Smart Objects in Photoshop:

Today we will look at How to Photoshop with Smart Objects and this tutorial is a part of the Basic Photoshop tutorials for Beginners, who do not know How to Use Photoshop

Smart object is a very useful option in the Adobe Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5. You must have come across the situation when you re-sized the image layer to a smaller size and then wanted to increase its size but in the process the quality of image was lost?

The Use of Smart Objects in Adobe Photoshop is a solution to this problem. You can now re-size and transform the image layers without the loss of quality of the image. This feature gives flexibility in working.

Making Layer a Smart Object:

There are two option by which you can select the layer to be a smart object.

1. You can open a a new image as a smart object. For this you have to go File > Open as Smart Object… The opened image will be in a new layer and you can directly transform the image layer to your desired settings.
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2. In this way you can convert the existing object layer to a Smart Object. For this, Click the right mouse button on the layer and select Convert to Smart Object from the list. Now your layer is converted into smart object.

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Ordinary Layer vs Smart Object:

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In an ordinary transform when we re-size our object to smaller size, the quality of the object also decreases with the reduction of the size. Decrease in quality is directly proportional to the decrease in size (i.e the more you reduce the size, more the quality is decreased.

And when we re-transform it to bigger size, we can clearly see the difference without seeing both photos simultaneously to feel the difference. The pixel of the image tells the whole story…
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When we have Opened a layer as Smart Object or converted the layer to Smart Object, Now if we decrease the size of the object, the cross is shown in the transform which is different from the ordinary transform. This shows the layer is a Smart Object.
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There is also a small icon on the layer in the lower right corner in the layers palette which shows that the layer is a Smart Object. If you increase the size of the object which was previously decreased, the quality of the image will also increase. The difference is clear…!!

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The knowledge of How to Use Smart Objects in Photoshop is helpful and it also increases the flexibility of working. The quality of the layer decreases with direct proportion to the decrease in size. When converted to smart object the quality of the image remains same.