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WikiLeaks buying boat to move servers offshore?

Well, this is something you don't hear every day.
WikiLeaks investors are currently working on completing a deal to buy a boat that would house the controversial site's servers in international waters, Fox News is reporting today, citing sources. By moving the servers offshore, WikiLeaks, which currently has servers in Sweden and Iceland, among other countries, believes that it will be able to evade U.S. law enforcement and save its founder Julian Assange from prosecution.
According to Fox News, one of its sources "within the hacker community" said that by moving the servers offshore, the site would be governed by maritime law, making Assange "safe" from
However, in December 2010, the U.S. government changed its tune, saying that Assange could not be protected as a journalist and noted that there was a chance he could be charged in the U.S.
"We have pledged that we will investigate this aggressively and we will pursue anyone that we feel has violated U.S. law," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said at the time. "So I can't predict where that investigation will lead at this point."
Although the U.S. has yet to move forward on Assange, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has found himself embroiled in an Article 32 hearing over allegedly providing documents to WikiLeaks. If Manning is eventually found guilty, he could face life in prison.
Assange today filed an appeal with Britain's Supreme Court to fight extradition to Sweden. He faces allegations there of sexual assault--something he vehemently denies.
Meanwhile, WikiLeaks is getting its own television show. "Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it," Assange said in a statement announcing the show last week. "Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths?"